• The UGA MIT Program Capstone Project helps Local Organizations with Technology Needs.
  • The project I was involved with was the Watershed UGA Data Management Portal.
  • Watershed UGA is an initiative aimed at fostering a sense of stewardship and sustainability through increased awareness– and eventual restoration– of the mostly hidden streams and lakes of the Athens campus. Part of this project entails real-time monitoring of campus streams via a network of sensors that automatically relay observations to an Internet-connected database. Additionally, a number of faculty, graduate students and undergraduate classes conduct periodic sampling of campus streams and Lake Herrick, but there is no centralized repository for these data. This project created a MySQL database that accommodated multiple classes of observations. A single web portal connected to the Watershed UGA web site that served both real-time and periodic data in a user-friendly fashion to support multiple users: researchers, students, and the general public.
  • Here is the Watershed UGA Data Management User Guide associated with the project.

Built With:

  • Database Engine: MySQL
  • Repository Hosting Platform: GitHub
  • Backend Integration: Linux, PHP
  • Application Server: Apache Tomcat
  • Frontend Development: CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, JQuery


This website is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.


  • Thanks to:
  • Craig Piercy
  • Mark Huber
  • Nikhil Srinivasan
  • for their guidance and inspiration.